Monday, April 6, 2009

Creating a glass object with Max and V-ray

It is simple, but I guess it will help on some people :). I will make a special glass using Max and for the rendered V-ray. Most of the people do glass by using lathe, my version is a little different. So here are the steps:

1. Create a line in front viewport that will be the profile of the glass:

Draw a circle in top view

Select the circle, go to the Modifiers list and select Bevel Profile, and on Pick Profile, select the first shape:

Convert this to an editable Poly select the top and delete

Go to Modifiers Panel and select Shell (is available only for Max 6 as I know), and adjust the thickness of the object how you like

Now to make the special for of the glass we need to cut a little of the top, using booleans. We will use a box like so:

And go to Compound Objects and use Booleans

The problem is that now we have some artifacts - the face there is not ok. Deleting the face or the edge has now worked.

So we will insert a vertex or two on that line and use Target weld to the opposite vertexes to correct this.

Same problem here:

Now all is ok. Select the edges and chamfer them twice, just a little. If you wish to make the bottom of the glass thicker just select the bottom of the glass and drag it down.

I have modified the shape of the glass by using the Taper tool from the Modifiers list.

First choose V-ray renderer. Not fancy rendering settings, just in the V-ray: Image Sampler(Antialising), turn of the Adaptive subdivision. For the glass materials use this settings:

and for the liquid this

For the lighting I have used an Omni light, V-ray shadows cheked and on V-ray shadows parameters check Transparent shadows and area shadow. Use a plane for the scene and assign a white color to this.

It looks fine, but not really :). The glass need something to reflect. To do this use a HDRI map. You can find some HDRI images at this address

and assign this to V-ray Environment

and the result


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