Saturday, April 4, 2009

Modeling a flag using Reactor

Reactor is a powerful tool to creat animations in 3dsmax, but today we are going to use it to model a flag.

First thing we are going to do is model a wall, a pole, and a plane with a decent amount of segments so that the flag will not look like a broken plastic board or something =P

Now we are going to select our flag and from the modifiers panel we are going to select “reactor Cloth” for it:

You dont have to worry much about the parameters of the flag in this case, now go to the reactor menu, choose create object and then Cloth Collection, add your flag on this collection:

Now using the reactor cloth you will select the vertexes which you want to be hanging and click on fix vertices, this will allow the flag to be hanging as if it was hanging on the pole

Create now a rigid body collection and add your pole and wall into it. Now go to the reactor menu, open property editor, select your flag and give a mass of 5 to it, now select your wall and choose Concave Mesh instead of Mesh convex Hull.

Texture the flag as you like, now click on the little hammer on the right side menu and go down to reactor. Preview your animation and if everything is nice, create the animation

Now choose one frame in which your flag seems to be resting and convert it to Editable Poly, and here’s the result:


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